If you own a residence in New Orleans, Orleans Parish proper, you may be able to significantly lower your flood insurance premiums. Many New Orleans owners will be getting cheaper rates all in thanks to the new FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. According to Landrieu’s office, the new FEMA insurance rate maps should “affect approximately 85,000 policies in New Orleans.” Continue Reading...
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About: Otis G Shipman
Recent Posts by Otis G Shipman
Southern Runner building acquired
The former New Orleans running store (6112 Magazine Street, Uptown NOLA). Was purchased by national invest firm ERG Enterprises in 2015 and recently sold it to Cindy’s Nail and Spa. ERG renovated the warehouse-style building into an open and modern storefront. The building’s style is of the 1940s era, but some components could date back as far as 1885. ERG has invested in New Orleans real estate with projects including the Orpheum Theater, the Pythian building, and the Pontchartrain Hotel.
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